: bantal, bantal busyuk, blanket, my pooh
What's your favorite word or phrase?
: aok lah...
Name 3 people who made you laugh today?
: 1.seorg pompuan berjalan tiap pg with sext dress(attract my attention every munink
2. Madam MAry..salu sakat dia tiap pagi
3. Sapa Ehss...xda gik..
What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
: menyiapkn keja yg stuck semalam pky meeting
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
: check facebook, email, fs
What is your favorite holiday?
: Xmas dongg
What is the last thing you said aloud?
: oiiiiiiiiiiiii!!
What is the best ice cream flavor?
: vaniLla Plzzz
What was the last thing you had to drink?
: milo with mocHa
What are you wearing right now?
: Kurung Batik..thursdaY kan..
What was the last thing you ate?
: kuih & mueh
Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
: nope...this coming weeK maybe la..HAHA
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
: Hawaii Plzz
Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on friendster?
: my Kazen
Ever go camping?
: Nope.
Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
: my Purse.HAHAHA.
Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
: yeah...
What did your last text message say?
: OK..(sms-ing with org yg Bt Baju HAfiz fc)
Are you someone's best friend?
: err maybe..am i??
What are you doing tomorrow?
: tomorrow? work, work, & work
Where is your mom right now?
: @ my sweeT homE nun
What color is your watch?
: puteh
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
: sumtymes go in, sumtymes if urgent just drive thru..:D
Do you have any friends on Friendster that you actually hate?
: saia Rasa TadaLa
Last person you talked to on the phone?
: Mr Jicky
Any plans today?
: erm no no no..
Are you happy?
: yaaa..
Where are you right now?
: Office
Last song listened to?
:Colby O Donis feat Akon( what You Got)
Last movie you saw?
: terminator Salvation
Are you allergic to anything?
: nO.no.nO
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time
: black
Are you jealous of anyone?
: mybe..haha
Are you married?
: nOpe..
Is anyone jealous of you?
: err idk..
Do any of your friends have children?
: yup2..hehe
Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
: yeshh3~
How many kids do you want when you're older?
: more than 1..haha
How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
: 22 laarrr..haha
How did u get one of your scars?
: falling down kat Ranchan..
pisak tag nda muyat akew.
sampai ati..
sedey alu tan..
aieee...bh la pisak sama...
panjang nyer tag dia...
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